Monday, November 8, 2010

Bioneers 2010

"When I think about the Endangered Lessor Long Nosed Bat (pollinator of the Agave Plant from which Tequila is Made)I I Go Batty" was made
for Vanishing Pollinators
An Ecoart exhibit produced by
WEAD, The Women Environmental Artists Directory
For the 2010 Bioneers Conference, October 15 – 17
Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael

I had not known that the bats were pollinators or even that they were endangered until I started my research for this show. When I found out they are important pollinators of the agave plant from which tequila is made, I realized we definitely need this bat!

Appropriate to the 2010 Conference focus on food and farming, exhibit artists explore the urgent plight of endangered pollinators. Essential to survival of all plants and trees, fruits and vegetables, pollinators range from beetles, bats, butterflies, and moths to ants. The media often ignores the issue’s urgency. Fortunately, the federal government, recognizing incipient danger, is now initiating research to develop programs to deter decline.

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